San Diego 2011
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Displaying all films in category: Glaucoma Surgery

F48: Management of Pupillary Block Pseudophakic Glaucoma After Cataract Extraction and Anterior Chamber IOL Implantation
F49: Combined Trabeculectomy With Manual Small-Incision Cataract Surgery Using Nuclear Snare in Cases of Glaucoma With Suprahard Cataract
F50: Minimally Invasive External Mini-Glaucoma Shunt Implantation Without Conjunctival Dissection
F51: ..And None is a Glaucoma Implant
F53: Surgical Outcome of Early-Onset Glaucoma in Children With Axenfeld-Rieger Anomaly
F54: Intraoperative Flow Test in Trabecular Bypass Surgery
F55: Non Penetrating Glaucoma Surgery Made Simple by Laser-Assisted Deep Sclerectomy
F56: Implantation of an Ab-Interno Suprachoroidal Glaucoma Device